Had the neatest experience a few days ago. Still scratching
my head, and still saying a little thank you prayer. Here`s the story. I am
sitting in my car in a little town north of Kingston. I am between meetings,
and am having my lunch at the edge of a park. This is my regular pattern on
this particular consulting day. Listening to the radio in the car, eating my
lunch, doing the crossword. For an hour. Go to start the car. Nothing. Had I
left the ignition in the on `position for an hour, rather than 'accessories`?
Difference is that the air conditioner would have been running on battery for
an hour. Anyway, time is up. Have to get to the next meeting. Car won't start
and I can see it is battery. I panic a bit. Have to phone CAA, call to the
meeting people and tell them I will be late. I no sooner get the CAA card out
of my wallet - not even time to start dialling - and a County Utilities truck
pulls in behind me. Two workers going to have their lunch! Never happened
before in many many times there. I hop out of my car, and ask, you wouldn't
happen to have jumper cables would you? Answer is yes, and three minutes later
my car is going, I am on my way, and I am only 5 minutes late for the meeting.
Ok, you tell me .........
Vatican II. Lot of discussion happening these days, around
the 50th anniversary of the great Council. The one that my generation were
amazed and thrilled at. John XXIII's call to open the windows of the church and
let fresh air and sunshine in. Those were heady days. We got the vernacular and
we got the restoration of the permanent diaconate. We got an updated
articulation of 'church', the people of God. Liturgies very quickly became
interesting in a way they never had been - not because the mystery or theology
of Eucharist had changed, but because we felt free to celebrate up close to the
sacrament, intimately connected with the presence of Jesus in the Bread and
Wine, in the Word, and in the people gathered there. The latter captured our
imaginations and we became a whole new Eucharistic people.
So what happened? Rome subsequently pulled back. Some priests
have said in our own day - 2012 - that Vatican II is destroying the Church.
Rome missed an opportunity to further the language engagement in the liturgy
and instead pulled us back as close to Latin as they could. And as recently as
June 17 at the Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, Pope Benedict said by televised
message that many in the Church were missing the true spirit of Vatican II by
mistaking what we do in the liturgy, for the true intention of Vatican II which
was to deepen our relationship with Christ. In other words, tone it down, get
serious, get solemn. There are those in
Rome who would see a return to Latin as accomplishing that purpose directly.
And at that point, Vatican II would be retracted for the average worshipping
Catholic. Just saying.
But look at what has between happening. Vatican II is not
going to be wiped out, it is just too good. It still speaks to the people of
today and in doing so, preserves the mystery, the beauty of the Eucharist, and
the sense of Christ's presence in the assembled people.
recent article by Robert Blair Kaiser
quotes Jesuit Fr. John O'Malley, who says that Vatican II moved us to a
new vision of the church:
... from commands
to invitations, from laws to ideals, from definition to mystery, from threats
to persuasion, from coercion to conscience, from monologue to dialogue, from
ruling to service, from withdrawn to integrated, from vertical to horizontal,
from exclusion to inclusion, from hostility to friendship, from rivalry to
partnership, from suspicion to trust, from static to ongoing, from passive
acceptance to active engagement, from fault finding to appreciation, from
prescriptive to principled, from behavior modification to inner appropriation.
Sr. Joan
Chittister, also commenting on the 50th anniversary of Vatican II, wrote from
the perspective of religious communities (she is a Benedictine sister). Here is
a powerful excerpt that both picks up on Fr. O'Malley's hopeful tone, and gives
a bit of a heads up to those who would continue to obstruct the renewal of
Vatican II. Read between the lines:
The continuing task of
Vatican II is to sharpen the edge of religious life again. What religious did
for past generations, they must now do for the forgotten peoples of our own
generation. A whole new global population must be carried beyond the limitations
of their lives, become visible to those who see them not, be heard by those who
are deaf to their tears.
The fresh breeze of Vatican II, the one that Pope John XXIII let
in the open windows, is still blowing. It won't be stifled. If you are not
involved in your parish, start now. Twenty and thirty-somethings, this is maybe
especially for you. Read up on Vatican II and help carry it on. You will like
what you find, I promise.